What is Matrix MLM Plan ?

This plan of MLM also known as the Forced Matrix Plan or Ladder Plan. This plan is very much similar to a pyramid structure. In this plan, the MLM company can set the various levels like 2X2 or 3X5, etc. The organizational tree structure is well-defined in its width and depth with a specified ‘n * n’ value. MLM Matrix Plan Calculator or forced matrix calculator, calculate commissions for your multi-level marketing efforts. But it has one limitation, the number of forerunners in an organization setup.

And we are the best MLM software company that can provide the best Matrix MLM plan software for your business.

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How Matrix MLM Plan works

The way the matrix MLM plan works is simple. The default members are added to the first level and when new members are recruited, they spill over to the next level and even to other levels after that as the plan may permit.

  • Multiple Payout/ Plan
  • Unlimited Members Management
  • Automatic Payout Processing/ calculation
  • Reports & Statistics
  • Internationalization
  • Network and Team Explorer